Campus Life is a three year part-time day program for young autistic adults. It is based at tertiary campuses where participants can mingle with students in the dining area, café and library. It is an adult learning environment with choices, no schoolwork, and lots of fun.
The program involves weekly therapy, a lecture quiz on current affairs and entertainment news, some business studies, and co-designed passion projects. The curriculum is designed to be accessible, visual, engaging and suitable for adults with intellectual disability. There is a dedicated chill out space, and support for augmented communication. Participants stay for up to three years and graduate with work options – a micro business, paid work, or volunteer work, or further study at TAFE.
Our second program is the Social Club. This is a Wednesday event every week for fun, games and friendships. The association also offers a Support Coordination service Most participants use Campus Life as a transition program out of senior school and into adult life. These young people have high support needs and NDIS funding packages to support their choices and give them some control in their lives.
Part of our social strategy is community engagement and support, with our latest fundraiser in collaboration with Hoppy’s Car Wash. You can purchase a Hoopy’s Car Cleaning voucher for only $15, with a value of $27.50! Great value for a great fundraiser. Head to our website to find out more.
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